What You Should Know Before the #NVGov Debate: Lombardo Supports Defunding the Police

We’re just days away from the #nvgov debate and today, we’re updating you on Joe Lombardo’s public safety record. Just like his education “plans,” his habit of taking both sides on taxes and inflation, and his pattern of peddling the Big Lie, Lombardo is unqualified when it comes to public safety – even after spending his entire career in law enforcement.

While crime is on the rise, Lombardo wants to defund the police.

Crime is on the rise – with homicides soaring 49% last year and robberies up 21% – and Lombardo isn’t showing up to work.

His solution? Defunding the police and letting millions in taxpayer dollars stockpile rather than putting more cops on the streets.

Before building his campaign around fighting all efforts to defund the police, Lombardo was actually on the record supporting defunding the police.

Now, his force is understaffed and he has $124 million stockpiled in the More Cops Fund, yet he’s still not hiring additional officers.
