While Laxalt-Linked Oath Keeper Faces Trial, Laxalt Refuses to Condemn the Insurrection

With the trial beginning for an Oath Keeper linked to Adam Laxalt’s campaign, Laxalt still refuses to condemn the deadly attack on the U.S. Capitol. Laxalt’s top spokeswoman marched with the Oath Keepers on January 6, and they are now facing charges of sedition and conspiracy for driving the attack that led to the tragic deaths of multiple members of law enforcement. 

Instead of responding to calls from Nevada law enforcement to condemn the insurrection and fire his senior aide, Laxalt has ignored them and continued to fundraise off the Big Lie. Laxalt called the events of January 6 exaggerated and said most insurrectionists should not be prosecuted. 

Statement from Nevada Democratic Victory Spokesperson Olivia Davis:

“What will it take for Adam Laxalt to condemn the violent insurrection he inspired by spreading the Big Lie? Laxalt continues to turn his back on law enforcement while embracing far-right conspiracies about the 2020 election to further his own political ambitions.” 
