Weekend Update: Laxalt Raked Over the Coals for Spreading Lies About Voter Fraud (Again)

Las Vegas Sun: “Adam Laxalt…was a key player in this assault on democracy…The Sun asked Laxalt for a comment on the outcome of Hartle’s case. We’re still waiting for an answer days later.”

The Nevada Independent: “Let’s take a moment to thank “Stop the Steal” cheerleader Adam Laxalt for his effort to ferret out voter fraud in Nevada. Laxalt was so close to the fraudster, he could have shaken his hand.”

Failed, corrupt politician Adam Laxalt is still refusing to comment after one of his top allies pleaded guilty to voter fraud. For months, Laxalt has faced scathing national criticism for his role in the fraud case, and now he’s facing additional local ridicule for his role amplifying lies about the 2020 election. 

Laxalt worked to make Kirk Hartle the lead posterboy of Trump’s Big Lie after Hartle claimed someone had fraudulently cast his deceased wife’s ballot. Now that Hartle has been sentenced for illegally casting that ballot himself, Laxalt and Trump’s Nevada GOP are nowhere to be heard from.

Read more below from this weekend’s local coverage of Laxalt’s election lies:

LV Sun: When you hear claims of voter fraud, remember who pleaded guilty to it

Editorial Board // November 22, 2021

It must be said that Hartle’s crime was more than a cheap stunt, it was dangerous considering it was designed so that the GOP could run with it. This was a party that was looking for any angle to subvert the will of Nevada voters and deliver the state to then-President Donald Trump. It claimed that Rosemarie Hartle was one example of several cases of voting by dead people, not to mention others who should have been removed from the state voter rolls because of relocations.

Adam Laxalt, the former Nevada attorney general who is now seeking election to the U.S. Senate, was a key player in this assault on democracy. As Trump’s Nevada counterpart to Rudy Giuliani, he worked side by side with individuals using Hartle’s case as a weapon to attack the legitimacy of the vote. Laxalt followed up by filing a string of junk lawsuits, which were thrown out like the litter they were.

The Sun asked Laxalt for a comment on the outcome of Hartle’s case. We’re still waiting for an answer days later.

Unless he denounces the case, Nevadans should remember that he was complicit in using Hartle’s felonious lie to advance GOP demagoguery in trying to deceive Nevadans with Trump’s Big Lie.


Nevadans need to know that the leaders who want to serve them will protect their access to the vote, will guard the voting system from subversion based on fabrications of fraud, and will work to ensure that Nevadans’ votes count. Hartle’s guilty plea reveals bare truths about the Big Lie. Voters should keep it in mind when judging which candidates will best serve their interests.

NV Indy: Column: Let’s recognize those who helped make Nevada voter fraud issue possible

At the outset, let’s take a moment to thank “Stop the Steal” cheerleader Adam Laxalt for his effort to ferret out voter fraud in Nevada. Laxalt was so close to the fraudster, he could have shaken his hand.

Three cheers are due as well for Big Lie promoter Michael McDonald, the Nevada Republican Party chairman whose zealous pursuit of voter fraud smoke led straight back to the party’s own smoke-filled room.


That’s the irony that is surely bringing smiles to those who watched Laxalt, McDonald, and other Trump surrogates scream about the outcome of the 2020 election. The fraud they sought was not in their stars, but in themselves.

Not that you should expect McDonald, Laxalt and fellow Stop the Steal co-conspirator Matt Schlapp to call a press conference, say, outside the Clark County Election Department and own up to their role in all this fakery. Fat chance of that happening. It was Schlapp, the American Conservative Union chairman who forwarded the false claim that “we have literally 9,000 people who voted in this election who don’t live in Nevada.” They didn’t have 9,000, or nine. But they did have one – their own man.
