The Official Adam Laxalt Guide to Overturning Elections To Gain Power: Chapter Five: Do Whatever It Takes to Prove Your Loyalty to Trump

Chapters one through four of The Official Adam Laxalt Guide to Overturning Elections To Gain Power highlighted the steps Laxalt needed to take to be prepared to overturn the 2022 election:

  1. Laxalt established himself as the “face of” the Big Lie, committing to do anything to overturn the 2020 election for Trump, even after he was soundly defeated.
  2. Laxalt planned early litigation to “tighten up” the 2022 election and overturn the results if he lost, “laying detailed groundwork” for lawsuits to contest the election months before a single ballot was cast.
  3. Laxalt hired an insurrectionist who marched with Oath Keepers on January 6 as his top spokeswoman and surrounded himself with January 6 truthers
  4. Laxalt attacked federal law enforcement to defend Trump, calling officers “un-American” and facing major criticism from law enforcement leadership for turning his back on police, fundraising off the Big Lie, and hiring an insurrectionist. 

Now Laxalt is proving he will do whatever it takes to keep Trump’s favor, standing with Trump at a campaign rally tomorrow

Side by side with Trump, there will be no question Laxalt has done whatever it takes to overturn elections to gain power. 
