The Nevada Independent: Lombardo set to campaign at anti-gay church

Today, Joe Lombardo, along with Virginia Governor and fellow abortion-stance-hider Glenn Youngkin, will campaign at a Las Vegas church that promotes an extreme anti-abortion, anti-gay agenda. Lombardo has relentlessly tried hiding his extreme anti-abortion stances but behind the scenes, he’s campaigning at anti-abortion institutions that compare abortion to the Holocaust and funding misleading crisis pregnancy centers in his official capacity as sheriff and through his campaign.

Read more about Lombardo’s latest anti-abortion ties below.

The Nevada Independent: Lombardo set to campaign at anti-gay church

Sean Golonka

September 14, 2022

  • Clark County Sheriff and Republican gubernatorial nominee Joe Lombardo plans to hold a town hall breakfast on Thursday at Liberty Baptist Church in Las Vegas, which opposes homosexuality and was founded by a man with a history of homophobic comments.
  • The church’s on-site ministry, Liberty Baptist Academy — a private Christian school serving kindergarten through 12th-grade students — has a student handbook that “requests each student … to refrain from participating in worldly activities such as … homosexuality or other sexual perversions.”
  • The church is affiliated with First Choice Pregnancy Services, a crisis pregnancy center that opposes abortion, including in cases of rape
  • The anti-homosexuality, anti-abortion views are also taught to students at the Liberty Baptist Academy.
  • A textbook included in the curriculum for 11th graders called Life Management under God includes a passage arguing that legal abortions “can lead to other evils such as euthanasia,” and share “the same mentality that led to the atrocities of Hitler.”

Read the full story here.
