One Year Since Laxalt Testified in the Trial for His Pay-To-Play Conspirators

When Laxalt took the stand, he couldn’t answer basic questions

It’s been one year since Adam Laxalt testified in a federal corruption trial for his pay-to-play scandal involving a Russian oligarch and Trump ally Lev Parnas. Parnas and the oligarch were led to believe that Laxalt would help them get a marijuana license in Nevada after Laxalt accepted an illegal straw contribution from them.

When called to the stand, Laxalt dodged basic questions about his own record, including his assault of a police officer that he had lied about on his Bar application. Laxalt also claimed he couldn’t remember details of his interactions with Parnas. But the truth came out, with intercepted text messages saying, “I had a good meeting with Attorney General [Laxalt] of Nevada and he is willing to help in Vegas,” accompanied by a photo of the oligarch’s associate with Laxalt.

This pay-to-play scandal was the third in a string of corruption scandals that surfaced during Laxalt’s tenure as AG, which included his efforts to kill a probe into Big Oil billionaires who spent heavily on his behalf.

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