One Year Anniversary of Laxalt’s Russian Pay-to-Play Scandal

Laxalt was at the center of the federal corruption trial of Trump associate, Lev Parnas 

It’s been one year since it was revealed that corrupt politician Adam Laxalt’s Russian pay-to-play scandal would land him in federal court. On September 22, 2021, Laxalt was named as a key figure in the federal corruption trial of Trump associate Lev Parnas, putting him at the center of a major conspiracy involving straw donations from a Russian oligarch.

Weeks later, federal court documents revealed that Lev Parnas and Russian oligarch Andrey Muraviev had been led to believe that Laxalt would help them get a marijuana license in Nevada while they raised campaign cash for him.

The oligarch even “traveled to Nevada as part of these efforts”, according to the U.S. Justice Department, and an intercepted text message from another Trump associate said “I had a good meeting with Attorney General [Laxalt] of Nevada and he is willing to help in Vegas,” accompanied by a photo of a Parnas associate with Laxalt.

The marijuana pay-to-play was the third in a string of corruption scandals that surfaced during Laxalt’s tenure as AG, which included his efforts to kill a probe into Big Oil billionaires who spent heavily on his behalf.

Statement from Nevada Democratic Victory Spokesperson Olivia Davis:

“Despite his best efforts, Laxalt’s corrupt history caught up with him and was on full display during the trial last year. Laxalt will do anything to get ahead because he’s only out for himself, not Nevada.” 
