#NVGov Field: Winning Primary > Democracy

A month out from the primary, the field is being slammed for pushing the Big Lie

While the Republican field for governor heads to the finish line of their brutal race to the right, they’re still facing criticism for promoting baseless voter fraud claims. Not a single #nvgov Republican has denounced the Big Lie, but the worst is Joe Lombardo, who was elected to keep families safe as Clark County’s top cop but is peddling lies that have led to a deadly insurrection. Nothing is more disqualifying than Lombardo consistently putting his political ambitions over the safety of Nevadans.

Las Vegas Sun: Editorial: In search of Republican candidates willing to stand up for democracy

May 15, 2022

Key Points:

  • The Editorial Board, and Nevadans as a whole, are facing an agonizing problem. We have endorsed Republicans in the past and might do so again in the future. Yet as we survey the field of Republican candidates across the state, we are struggling to identify those who are not an active threat to American democracy or the institutions of government that have sustained our republic for 250 years.
  • Since the insurrection, Republican leadership across the nation has worked to disenfranchise voters, allow themselves to defy the will of voters outright and to allow partisan interference in the vote count. The GOP leadership’s assault on voting rights and basic fairness has been horrifying to watch. Happily, so far Nevada has escaped such corruption. But the coming election could change all that if Big Lie candidates gain office.
  • Gubernatorial candidate Joey Gilbert was actually at the Capitol that day, spinning unfounded conspiracy theories about election fraud and accusing those Republicans who believe the vote was legitimate of being “RINOs (Republicans in Name Only)” who should be removed from the party. He didn’t think that those who vandalized the halls of our Capitol or threatened police officers should be tossed out; he cheered them on. And he’s not alone.
  • As we wrote last October, Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo disgraced himself by not condemning the violent right-wing groups that have been welcomed into the Nevada GOP, leaving Southern Nevadans to wonder whether their sheriff will protect and serve everyone in our community regardless of political persuasion.
  • Of the five leading Republican candidates for the governorship of Nevada, every one of them has gone on record as both supporting and contributing to the Big Lie. In doing so, they have all made a choice to subvert our democracy, undermine the integrity of our elections, and ignore the Constitution of the United States.

Read the full story here.
