NEW VIDEO: Lombardo’s Top Five Worst Moments at his #NVGov Debate Debut

We watched the debate so you didn’t have to

Joe Lombardo took the debate stage for the first time last week and reminded us exactly why his handlers keep him in hiding. He can’t give a clear stance on issues like abortion and gun safety, he can’t defend his failed leadership of Metro, and his temper and ego were on full display.

If you missed his awful performance, we’ve pulled his top five worst moments. 

Watch Here:

  1. Lombardo’s weak answer on gun violence: Despite being Clark County’s top cop, Lombardo had no concrete plans to keep guns away from bad actors.
  1. Doubling down on prioritizing abusers over victims: When asked if he believes the two women who credibly accused Lombardo’s hand-picked successor Kevin McMahill of sexual misconduct, Lombardo reaffirmed his support for abusers over victims–just days after public reports of a new lawsuit filed against Metro for another sexual harrassment allegation.
  1. Attempting to defend his immigration record results in laughter: After months of attacking Lombardo’s record on immigration, the field finally got to blast him in person…but not before laughing at his attempts to defend his record.
  1. Refuses to give a clear stance on abortion: Lombardo still hasn’t offered a clear stance on choice, saying he’d consider any pro-life legislation (even banning contraception?!) but offering no specifics.
  1. Lombardo’s final message to voters: anger and arrogance: Lombardo’s arrogance hit a new high as he closed out the debate declaring the primary over three weeks before election day.
