Nevada Law Enforcement Calls Out Laxalt for Embracing Insurrectionist

In Case You Missed It, corrupt politician Adam Laxalt is facing criticism from Nevada law enforcement leaders after CNN revealed that his senior aide stood with Oath Keepers at the U.S. Capitol during the January 6 insurrection that led to the deaths of several members of law enforcement. 

“For law enforcement, it’s personal,” reports KNPR. The Las Vegas Sun reports that Nevada law enforcement has called on Laxalt to “fire her and immediately apologize to law enforcement for bringing her on in the first place.” 

Read more: 

KNPR (Radio):

FERNANDEZ: The incident has become a political lightning rod for candidates. For law enforcement it’s personal. Matt Richardson is a Clark County juvenile probation supervisor. 

RICHARDSON: When we become law enforcement officers, the thing they have us do is take an oath to protect the United States from enemies foreign and domestic. That day the insurrectionists became enemies of the United States. So it’s our duty to protect the Government, the United States, from enemies. That day they were enemies. She was a part of the enemy. 

FERNANDEZ: Rick McCann is the former head of the Nevada Association of Public Safety Officers. He says he has personally asked Adam Laxalt to publicly denounce former President Trump’s big lie. 

MCCANN: How are we going to continue to respect an individual running for United States Senate on this bad series of judgments culminating most recently with having someone in the top aide of his position with his campaign who marched and was a participant and was a catalyst to those deadly events?

Las Vegas Sun: Laxalt aide says she was in D.C. on Jan. 6 but did not go inside Capitol

Jessica Hill // 7.22.22

Key points: 

  • It might not come as a surprise that U.S. Senate candidate Adam Laxalt’s new communications director, Courtney Holland, was in Washington, D.C., attending the Jan. 6, 2021 “Stop the Steal” protest that eventually led to the insurrection of the U.S. Capitol by extremist supporters of former President Donald Trump.
  • Laxalt has long echoed false claims that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from Trump. The Republican and former state attorney general, who served as co-chair of the 2020 Trump campaign in Nevada, led the charge in challenging the results here, where President Joe Biden beat Trump by about 30,000 votes.
  • After the CNN article was published, members of the Nevada Association of Public Safety Officers (NAPSO), which has endorsed Cortez Masto for reelection have called for Holland to be fired.
  • “It was one of the worst attacks on our democracy,” said Rick McCann, a lobbyist who is the former head of NAPSO and the Nevada Law Enforcement Coalition. “Our brothers and sisters were injured, and some died. … Now we find out that one of his top spokespeople marched during those horrific events, with people who vowed to dismantle our democracy.”
  • Not only was law enforcement placed in danger, McCann said, but the members of Congress, senators and their staff were also placed into harm’s way. “And this young lady, Miss Holland, was a participant in the catalytic process to get this to that point,” he said.
  • Officers take an oath to protect the U.S. from enemies both foreign and domestic, said Matt Richardson, a Clark County juvenile probation supervisor and member of the police association. “We believe Laxalt should fire her and immediately apologize to law enforcement for bringing her on in the first place,” Richardson said.
  • Anthony Gonzales, a criminal investigator with the Nevada attorney general’s office and also a member of the association, wants Laxalt to also denounce the “Big Lie” that the election was stolen, which had led to the riots.
  • “At the end of the day, I think for all of us, it’s not about politics,” Gonzales said. “It’s about standing with the men and women who put their lives on the line to serve this country and the state of Nevada.”

Las Vegas Review Journal: Laxalt campaign official at Capitol during Jan. 6 insurrection

Nick Robertson // 7.21.22

Key points: 

  • Multiple members of state law enforcement have shared their displeasure with Holland’s actions and have called on her to either resign or be fired by the Laxalt campaign.
  • Rick McCann is the former head of the Nevada Association of Public Safety Officers, a union that includes state law enforcement officers, Henderson police officers and North Las Vegas police supervisors.
  • “(Holland) may not have gone into the Capitol, but she was part of the catalyst that led to violence,” he said. “She is as much a part of what happened as if she did go into the Capitol with a weapon.”

KUNR (Radio):

JOHNSON: CNN reported this week that the Laxalt campaign’s new communications director was outside the US Capitol during the January 6 insurrection. Five police officers who were on duty that day later died. That staffer, Courtney Holland, said in an email that she expected a peaceful gathering and left when she became aware the situation was deteriorating. But Anthony Gonzalez with the Nevada Association of Public Safety Officers says she shouldn’t have been there in the first place.

GONZALEZ: I would take her actions over her words because they speak louder in my opinion and in law enforcement. You know, the community, we’re big about actions, not words.
