Nevada Current: Complaint filed against Lombardo for donating Metro helicopter ride to anti-abortion group’s fundraiser

Today, Nevada Democratic Victory filed an ethics complaint against Joe Lombardo for violating NRS 281A.400(7), holding him accountable for misusing government resources to uplift anti-abortion groups and advance his political agenda. While Joe Lombardo has been caught trying to cover up his anti-choice stance time and time again, the truth is he’s wrongly using government resources to support crisis pregnancy centers behind the scenes.

Read more about Lombardo’s ethics violation below. 

Nevada Current: Complaint filed against Lombardo for donating Metro helicopter ride to anti-abortion group’s fundraiser

Camalot Todd

September 28, 2022

Key Points:

  • “In a blatant violation of Nevada’s ethics laws, Sheriff Lombardo has improperly misused official government resources and did so to support a community organization whose political leanings on the issue of abortion align with the Sheriff’s views and beliefs,” Brynn Palmen, the executive director of Nevada Democratic Victory, wrote in the complaint. “It is also clear that this was done for Sheriff Lombardo’s personal interest during his candidacy for Governor of Nevada.
  • WRMCSN is listed exclusively in the LVMPD resource pamphlet as crisis pregnancy center on page 48, but other nonprofit organizations that offer reproductive and sexual health care like Planned Parenthood or A-Z Women’s Center are not mentioned. 
  • This is not the first ethics complaint filed against Lombardo. The Nevada Commission of Ethics scheduled an adjudicatory hearing in May 2023, six months after the mid-term election, for a complaint filed in October 2021 over Lombardo using images of his badge and uniform in campaign materials.
  • Lombardo’s campaign did not respond to requests for comment.

Read the full story here.
