Michele Fiore Touts Endorsement from Texas Senator Who Supports Yucca Mountain and Turns His Back on Nevada Families 

Today, Michele Fiore, the Republican candidate for State Treasurer, touted an endorsement from Texas Senator Ted Cruz. Cruz not only lives in Texas but consistently votes against the interests of Nevadans.

Normally, a candidate for statewide office wouldn’t welcome an endorsement from an out-of-state politician who’s tried to make Nevada a permanent nuclear waste dump, but Michele Fiore has shown she cares more about her political career than she does about Nevada families.

Ted Cruz’s history of turning his back on Nevadans:

After an underwhelming performance in the 2016 Nevada Presidential Caucus, Nevada voters have repeatedly told Ted Cruz that they don’t support him. Still, that hasn’t stopped him from consistently working against Nevadans at every opportunity.

  • In March of last year, Ted Cruz voted against the American Rescue Plan, which has brought $6.7 billion in vital funding to Nevada’s small businesses, non-profit organizations, and health care providers.
  • He voted no on the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill, which is bringing over $4 billion to Nevada, creating thousands of good-paying jobs in the process.
  • Just yesterday, he voted against legislation that would guarantee a woman’s right to choose throughout the country, a policy which 69% of Nevada voters support.

It’s clear that Michele Fiore is so eager to highlight endorsements from out-of-state politicians to distract voters from the fact that she has no qualifications to serve as Nevada’s chief investment officer.
