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Lombardo Called Out for Deceptive Tactics to Hide Anti-Choice Agenda

Lombardo Called Out for Deceptive Tactics to Hide Anti-Choice Agenda

As choice becomes increasingly important to Nevadans, Joe Lombardo is desperately trying to rewrite history and cover up his dangerous, anti-choice positions. First, his campaign ...
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Adam Laxalt’s Birthday Big Lie Blitz

Adam Laxalt’s Birthday Big Lie Blitz

In Case You Missed It, while corrupt politician Adam Laxalt celebrates his birthday, he’s facing a blitz of coverage for pressuring a local elections official ...
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ICYMI: Laxalt Far Out of Touch with Overwhelming Majority of Nevada’s Latino Community

ICYMI: Laxalt Far Out of Touch with Overwhelming Majority of Nevada’s Latino Community

In Case You Missed It, new polling finds that over 80% of Nevada’s Latino population believes abortion should be legal, regardless of their personal beliefs ...
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! Bombshell: Laxalt Personally Pushed for Election Audits as Candidate for Senate

! Bombshell: Laxalt Personally Pushed for Election Audits as Candidate for Senate

In Case You Missed It, new reporting states that corrupt politician Adam Laxalt continued working to overturn the 2020 election for Donald Trump deep into ...
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Lombardo Skipping Work to Campaign Amid Soaring Crime Rates

Lombardo Skipping Work to Campaign Amid Soaring Crime Rates

Nevada Current: “Badge swipes reveal absence from Metro about a third of the time” While crime skyrockets in Clark County, Sheriff Lombardo isn’t showing up ...
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Laxalt Attacks Law Enforcement (USA Today)

Laxalt Attacks Law Enforcement (USA Today)

In Case You Missed It, new reporting from USA Today highlights corrupt politician Adam Laxalt’s attacks on federal law enforcement. Laxalt called the FBI’s recent ...
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