Lombardo Gets Local, National Attention for Rewriting History on Abortion Stance

Joe Lombardo is working overtime to have it both ways on abortion, but he’s not getting away with it, receiving both local and national attention for his lies. In the primary, Lombardo supported oveturning Nevada’s existing abortion protections and banning contraception. As abortion becomes increasingly important to voters, Lombardo is trying–and failing–to rewrite history.

Read more below about Lombardo’s lies from POLITICO and the Nevada Current. 

POLITICO: Abortion upends the battle for a dozen key governorships

Zach Montellaro, Megan Messerly
September 25, 2022

Key Points:

  • The battle over abortion rights will be won or lost in state capitals, not Washington.
  • And the way candidates are running on the issue could hardly be more polarized: Democrats are going all in. Republicans want to change the topic.
  • In Nevada, Republican gubernatorial candidate and Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo has said that while he personally opposes abortion, he will respect the state’s 1990 ballot referendum upholding the right to abortion…
  • At the same time, Lombardo’s campaign sponsored an event for Nevada Right to Life, a group that opposes abortions at all stages of pregnancy, and paid two crisis pregnancy centers for event-related fees.
  • It’s been a challenging needle for Lombardo to thread…

The Nevada Current: Abortion has Republicans navigating political landmines in search of cover

Dana Gentry
September 26, 2022

Key Points:

  • Lombardo, a Catholic who opposes abortion, struck a decidedly pro-life tone during the Republican primary. Asked during a televised debate whether he’d support restrictions on morning after pills, waiting periods before ending a pregnancy and parental notification laws, Lombardo responded “Yes, absolutely,” and noted that if elected, he would view everything via a “pro-life lens.”    
  • “I support the existing laws that are in the state of Nevada,” Lombardo says in a misleading ad that attempts to make his campaign spokesperson’s assertion that he won’t change abortion law appear to be the conclusion of news media. 
  • After the Dobbs ruling, Lombardo said that if elected, he would repeal Gov. Steve Sisolak’s executive order protecting people who seek abortion care in Nevada. He has also backed off that position. 
  • While Lombardo says he supports the existing laws of the state, if elected, he’d have the platform to support a referendum limiting abortion rights, as well as impose restrictions on access.
  • He has said he supports a 13-week ban at the state level.
