Liz Cheney Denounces Laxalt’s Big Lie

In Case You Missed It, new reporting from the Las Vegas Review-Journal highlights how Representative Liz Cheney called out election deniers like Adam Laxalt during an event with the Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce. At the event, Cheney called out politicians who, like Laxalt, worked to “unravel the foundations of our Republic” and urged Nevadans to vote against them in November. 

Laxalt was the co-chair of Donald Trump’s campaign and is the “face of” the Big Lie in Nevada, having orchestrated failed lawsuit after failed lawsuit to stop a peaceful transfer of power. He has centered his campaign around his allegiance to Trump and old lies about the 2020 election, and employs an insurrectionist as a senior campaign operative. Throughout his campaign, Laxalt has doubled down on his plans to launch legal action to overturn the 2022 election, long before any votes have been cast. 

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Las Vegas Review-Journal: Cheney defends democracy in speech to Vegas leaders

Gary Martin // 9.22.22

U.S. Rep. Liz Cheney denounced violent rhetoric, partisan division and tolerance of politicians who have put democracy in peril during a speech Thursday to Las Vegas business leaders.

“Our freedom is fragile,” Cheney, R-Wyo., told the Vegas Chamber, community and education leaders. “Our freedoms don’t defend themselves.”

Cheney said there is a sense that “we somehow we can live in a nation where we have a former president who is attempting, still today, to unravel the foundations of our Republic.”

Moderator Jon Porter, a former Republican U.S. congressman from Nevada, referenced the recent murder of Review-Journal investigative reporter Jeff German and the arrest of a public official charged with his death; Cheney pointed to the threatening tone in the body politic.

“We know that the kind of violent rhetoric that we’ve seen, you know, leads to far worse than words,” Cheney said during her speech and question and answer session.


Trump retaliated, funding an opponent who defeated Cheney in the Republican primary in Wyoming. But Cheney said her work would continue, and she has vowed to do anything to stop Trump from being re-elected. She urged her Nevada audience to vote against election deniers who are on the Nov. 8 ballot and demand accountability from elected officials.

Cheney said Nevada businesses expect excellence from their employees and associates.

“We don’t demand excellence from our political leaders. We put up with a lot,” she said, noting lawmakers who have taken to social media with outrageous statements and claims for “clicks” and fundraising.

