Laxalt’s Leading Role in the Big Lie 

In Case You Missed It, new reporting highlights corrupt politician Adam Laxalt’s “leading role” in spreading the Big Lie and working to overturn the 2020 results for Donald Trump. According to CNN, Laxalt was at the forefront of this charge in Nevada, continuing his efforts “long after Republican efforts to overturn Trump’s defeat fizzled.” Just this month, it was revealed that Laxalt pressured a local official to audit the 2020 election while campaigning for U.S. Senate.

Read More: 

CNN: More than half of Republican Senate nominees have rejected, cast doubt upon or tried to overturn the 2020 election results

Daniel Dale // 9.14.22

Nevada Republican nominee Adam Laxalt, who co-chaired Trump’s 2020 campaign in Nevada, played a leading role in post-election legal efforts to reverse Biden’s victory in the state.

Laxalt, the former Nevada attorney general, wrote a November 2020 article that falsely claimed “we now know that there are thousands of illegal votes consisting of a combination of dead voters, out-of-state voters, double voters (those who cast ballots in Nevada and another state), among other improper votes.” None of these claims was accurate; the subsequent review by the office of Nevada’s Republican secretary of state did not find “evidentiary support” for fellow Republicans’ various fraud claims.

In other comments in November 2020, Laxalt said the number of improper ballots in Nevada could even be in the tens of thousands. He also cast aspersions upon the demonstrably legal votes of members of the military who voted in Nevada after being transferred to other states.

And he continued to make false claims about Nevada elections long after Republican efforts to overturn Trump’s defeat fizzled. Days after launching his Senate campaign in August 2021, Laxalt falsely said the 2020 election was “rigged” and floated the idea of filing “early” lawsuits related to the midterms. At campaign events in October 2021, NBC News reported, he baselessly told voters that elections are legitimate in the state’s 15 rural counties but are untrustworthy in the two urban counties where well over 80% of the state population lives. That same month, he declined to answer directly when a reporter asked him if Biden was legitimately elected.

Laxalt is challenging incumbent Democratic Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto. Laxalt’s campaign did not respond a request for comment for this article.
