Laxalt Tries, Fails to Hide Anti-Choice Positions

In Case You Missed It, Adam Laxalt is trying to hide his record of working to restrict a woman’s right to choose, according to new reporting in Rolling Stone. An overwhelming majority of Nevadans support a woman’s right to choose but Laxalt continues to push his anti-abortion agenda. Laxalt is an automatic vote for a federal abortion ban and has called for a Nevada abortion ban even stricter than the federal ban proposed by Senator Lindsey Graham.

Laxalt called Roe v. Wade a “joke” and said the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn the right to choose was a “historic victory.” As Nevada’s attorney general, Laxalt pushed to restrict access to birth control, which has earned him endorsements from extreme anti-choice organizations that have argued girls as young as 10, even in cases of rape, should not be allowed to have abortions. 

Read more: 

Rolling Stone: ‘It Scares the Hell Out of People’: Dems Are Searching for Signs Abortion Will Save Them on Election Day

Tessa Stuart // 9.30.22

Key Points: 

  • In Nevada, GOP Senate candidate Adam Laxalt tweeted and deleted a photo of himself attending a Nevada Right to Life event just days after a draft of the Dobbs decision leaked to the public. 
  • The former attorney general for Nevada has been endorsed by Nevada Right to Life and National Right to Life, but both [were] conspicuously absent from the endorsements page of his website. 
  • That’s perhaps not surprising given Nevadans’ views on the issue: A recent poll found that 90 percent of voters polled believed abortion should be legal in all or some circumstances. 
  • (Laxalt “has spent his whole career trying to restrict women’s rights,” his opponent Sen. Catherine Cortez-Masto said in a statement, “which puts him far out-of-step with the people of Nevada.”) 
