Laxalt Continues His Anti-Choice Crusade Despite Americans’ Overwhelming Support for a Woman’s Right to Choose

Yesterday Kansas overwhelmingly voted to protect a woman’s right to choose, sending a clear message that women’s health care is not a partisan issue. But corrupt politician Adam Laxalt is still attacking abortion access in Nevada. Laxalt’s political team was central to the campaign to outlaw abortion in Kansas, according to the Washington Post, and was involved in sending misleading text messages to voters that urged them to vote for the state-level abortion ban. 

Laxalt recently called Roe v. Wade a “joke” and said the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn the right to choose was a “historic victory.” As Nevada’s attorney general, Laxalt pushed to restrict access to birth control and he would be an automatic vote for a federal abortion ban in the Senate.

Statement from Nevada Democratic Victory Spokesperson Olivia Davis:

“Laxalt has repeatedly demonstrated he is willing to go as far as it takes to gut abortion access in the U.S. His involvement with a group deceiving Kansas voters into supporting an abortion ban, along with his extensive anti-choice record, makes it clear he will stop at nothing to restrict reproductive rights in Nevada and across the country.”
