KOLO: Political ad ‘Scare’ gives incomplete picture of Nevada’s abortion law

As Joe Lombardo works harder than ever to walk back his dangerous anti-abortion stances, an affiliated PAC – led by his own campaign chairman, Mark Hutchison – has resorted to lying in an ad and downplaying what’s at stake for reproductive rights.

The truth is, an anti-abortion governor could restrict access by letting other states punish providers and out-of-state patients who travel to Nevada for reproductive care, implementing mandatory waiting periods, and funding crisis pregnancy centers – all things Lombardo has supported or already done.

Read more about Republicans’ abortion lies below.

KOLO: Political ad ‘Scare’ gives incomplete picture of Nevada’s abortion law

Terri Russell

September 28, 2022

Key Points:

  • The political ad entitled ‘Scare” says “Politicians are scaring voters about Nevada’s abortion laws.”
  • The ad also states the laws were passed by voters thirty years ago through a referendum. That’s true. The referendum passed by more than 60% of the vote. The “Scare” ad claims: “No politician can change it.” That’s only partly true.
  • While the intent of the law cannot be changed without a vote of the people twice and legislative approval, elected officials can try to reduce its impact by adopting slight alterations to the law which could have a big impact.
  • “A gubernatorial candidate, other state legislative candidates could…prohibit or restrict access to abortion,” says Lindsay Harmon with Planned Parenthood’s Political Advocacy. “Whether it is prohibiting providers, messing with criminal statutes, or getting in there and deciding how health centers are set up,” she says.
  • Other changes which could be attempted might require patients to wait, get a sonogram, or notify the father.
  • While none of this has happened, it could. The result would not change the legality of abortion or the 24-week limit. But Nevada’s abortion laws would become more restrictive.
  • “Even the Supreme Court decision does not change Nevada law,” the “Scare” ad claims.
  • While that is true, there are attempts to get a federal ban on abortion. Legislation that would be voted on by Nevada congressmen and congresswomen along with our two U.S. senators.
  • “And Lindsey Graham’s bill would go into effect and most likely supersede Nevada’s law,” says Harmon if such a bill was successfully passed back in Washington.
  • We tried to contact the producers of the political ad “Scare” to see where they got their information about Nevada’s abortion law. But our calls to the political action committee “Stronger Nevada” went unanswered.

Read the full story here.
