KNPR: Lombardo’s “Tough on Crime” Message Takes Hits

Joe Lombardo built his campaign around his law enforcement background but his failures as Clark County Sheriff continue to surface. After a former Metro detective wrote a scathing review of Lombardo’s leadership, the spotlight remains on Lombardo’s abysmal record, from leaving behind Metro employees to campaigning amid soaring crime rates.

Read more about Lombardo’s failed leadership below.

KNPR: John L. Smith: Sheriff Lombardo’s ‘tough on crime’ message takes hits

July 26, 2022

Key Points:

  • “Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo is sending a “tough on crime” message in his race for governor on the Republican side of the ticket. But that effort took what some might call a withering hit over the weekend, from one of Lombardo’s former detectives.”
  • “He said he put politics above public safety when he broke up the gang and narcotics units, along with other specialty squads. It was an effort Lombardo said at the time was to decentralize the department and increase efficiency. Just the opposite happened, he said.”
  • “This, in the right hands, could be damaging to Lombardo’s campaign. Jordan wrote a very concise and, as you say, stinging essay on the, what he believed was the flaws in the sheriff’s leadership skills and the decentralizing of the department which, as a person who’s interviewed a number of police officers over the years during Lombardo’s time, it was a point of controversy and a lot of people criticized it.”
  • “Critics are going to step up and question higher crime rates, and whether the gang unit that’s gotten back together would have been in a better position to fight back in the streets, had they been together from the start and not been decentralized?”
  • “Yeah, [Trump] called Nevada a “cesspool of crime”…that’s not the image that someone who is an integral member of law enforcement in Southern Nevada, the largest population base in our state, that’s not what they want to hear. “

Listen to the full segment here.
