Is Adam Laxalt Breaking Campaign Finance Law in Florida?

It appears that corrupt, failed politician Adam Laxalt is in Florida today holding a fundraiser with his best friend Ron DeSantis in Palm Beach, where Donald Trump has been living ever since he lost in 2020. The only issue, Adam Laxalt’s fundraiser invitation asks donors to give $11,600 per person, which is a violation of campaign finance law.

A single contributor can donate a max contribution of $5,800, so if Laxalt is indeed soliciting $11,600 donations from individuals, that would be a clear violation of campaign finance law. This marks a distinct pattern for Laxalt, whose problematic fundraising tactics got him in hot water earlier this year. Back in September, Laxalt had to serve as a star witness in the federal corruption trial of a Trump associate who was found guilty for illegally funneling foreign campaign funds to U.S. political campaigns, including Laxalt’s.

Statement from Andy Orellana, Spokesperson for Nevada Democratic Victory: 

“Adam Laxalt has a long history of bending the rules to serve his political needs, from pay-to-play scandals in his AG office to his fundraising controversy with now-convicted Trump associate Lev Parnas. This new invitation raises additional questions about how he is conducting himself as a candidate for U.S. Senate.” 
