If Lombardo’s “Plans” Sound Familiar, They Should

They kinda sound like…Governor Sisolak’s accomplishments and second term plans?

After a year plus of campaigning instead of doing his job, Joe Lombardo finally released a few plans…which are things Governor Sisolak has already done or has plans to do.


Lombardo lists economic diversification as one of his top priorities, but Governor Sisolak has already taken steps to do just that, bringing more manufacturing and tech jobs to the state and launching a start-up accelerator. 

A reporter acknowledged this to Lombardo in an interview this week, saying, “We’ve seen a ton of economic diversification.” Awkward…


Lombardo’s education “plans” mostly parrot what Governor Sisolak has already done. Everything else is full of empty platitudes and lies that his campaign couldn’t back up. Read just a few examples below.

The Nevada Independent: Lombardo prioritizes school safety, Read by Grade 3 in plan for education

Lombardo’s statement Tuesday also asserted the [Read by Grade 3] program was “defunded by the Sisolak administration”…AB289 also added $11 million in funding to the program in 2019. Read by Grade 3 still exists as a state program.


Lombardo called for school board members “to have proper qualifications, obtain adequate training, and be required to spearhead community engagement efforts to better listen to the communities they serve.”

A similar idea was recently discussed at an August meeting of the interim legislative committee focused on education.


According to Lombardo, “social-reform curriculum” and “explicit, age-inappropriate books and materials” are being taught in Nevada’s schools. 

The press release didn’t cite specific examples of the inappropriate books being taught or where they’re being used, and Lombardo’s campaign didn’t specify when asked by The Nevada Independent.  


Lombardo’s priority list also emphasized providing access to quality education, regardless of a student’s circumstances…During a Wednesday event, Sisolak said “every child, regardless of their parents’ bank balance or ZIP code, deserves a quality education.”


Lombardo did not identify specific ways to change the licensing process or recruit special education teachers. Meanwhile, in August, Sisolak signed an emergency regulation that reduced substitute teaching license costs, and gave those employees more time to update their licenses in an effort to ease the state’s educator workforce shortages. 

In a statement to The Nevada Independent, Lombardo’s campaign spokesperson said he would consider rewarding teachers with either salary increases or bonuses. But Lombardo previously did not commit to a broad raise for all teachers, a promise Sisolak made in his 2018 campaign for governor and accomplished during the 2019 legislative session.

State Police Funding

Despite previously criticizing Governor Sisolak for using ARP funds for “pet projects” such as providing kids with free school lunches and investing in affordable housing, Lombardo is now calling for a raise for State Police…using ARP funds. Governor Sisolak promised months ago that he will propose funding this (the proper way) in the next legislative session.
