ICYMI: Laxalt Siding with Insurrectionists over Law Enforcement [via Washington Post]

In Case You Missed It, The Washington Post’s Greg Sargent called out corrupt politician Adam Laxalt for defending the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol and law enforcement, then posing as “tough on law and order.” 

As the co-chair of Donald Trump’s campaign, Laxalt has been called “face of” the Big Lie in Nevada and orchestrated failed lawsuit after failed lawsuit to stop a peaceful transfer of power. ​​Laxalt has been called out by Nevada law enforcement leaders for fundraising off the Big Lie conspiracy that led to the January 6 attack, and just last week CNN reported that he hired an insurrectionist as his campaign spokesperson. 

Read more: 

The Washington Post: Opinion: A repulsive new breed of Trumpist candidates poses a fresh threat

Greg Sargent // 7.26.22

Key Points: 

  • Donald Trump is delivering a speech Tuesday in which he proclaims to be for law and order. He is doing this half a mile from the Capitol, where he incited numerous crimes on his behalf amid an extraordinarily corrupt and potentially criminal scheme planned and executed by Trump himself.
  • If that seems jarring, please note: That incongruence increasingly defines a trend represented by a new breed of Trumpist candidates.
  • Their common trait? They cast themselves as tough on law and order while embracing the most pernicious aspects of Trump’s effort to persuade millions to give up on the rule of law and democracy, and to remain above accountability for his attempt to destroy our legal and political order at its foundations.
  • Some of these candidates are feeding the public the same lies Trump used to inspire those criminal acts on Jan. 6, 2021. Others are hand-waving away those same crimes. Still others are scoffing at the need for any accountability at all for Trump’s coup attempt.
  • They combine phony pieties about lawful and civil order with craven fealty to Trump’s lawlessness and his bid for utter impunity, and to the undisguised authoritarian nature of his movement.
  • Then there’s Adam Laxalt, the GOP nominee for Senate in Nevada. He recently hosted an event with Trump himself designed to showcase law-and-order toughness. Yet Laxalt lent support to the stolen-election lie, suggested voting in urban areas is suspect while claiming it’s “legitimate” in GOP areas, and dramatically downplayed Jan. 6, claiming “very few” people broke laws.
