CISCO AGUILAR to RGJ: We Must Make it a Priority to Protect Election Workers

CISCO AGUILAR to the RENO GAZETTE-JOURNAL: “The dangerous, false rhetoric about the 2020 election has translated into real threats of violence against these public servants.”

In Case You Missed It, Cisco Aguilar, Democratic candidate for Nevada Secretary of State, published an op-ed in the Reno Gazette-Journal this week, laying out his plan to protect election workers in Nevada. Outlining how in Washoe Co., registrar Deanna Spikula stepped down due to threats against her life, Aguilar promised that under his leadership, he’d work to allow employees to protect their personal information, penalize anyone who distributes that personal information with intent to harass, and make sure anyone who intimidates or harasses election workers is held accountable – no matter where that harassment takes place.

Statement from Nevada Democratic Victory Spokesperson Joshua Rush: “With policy plans to protect election workers, a history of service and leadership, and his commitment to preserving Nevada’s gold standard elections, Cisco Aguilar is clearly the only qualified candidate to serve Nevadans as their Secretary of State.”


    • “I’m gonna come down there and you’re going to be sorry.”
    • “Count the votes as if your life depends on it because it does.”
    • “Traitors are dealt with.”
    • “Threats against election workers are threats against democracy, and that is unacceptable. When former Washoe County Registrar of Voters Deanna Spikula stepped down from her post, it was in large part because of threats against her life.
    • “Across the country there’s story after story of similar harassment campaigns, and they’re having an effect: skilled, dedicated election workers are leaving their jobs.”
  • “…AS SECRETARY OF STATE, I will make sure our election workers can do their jobs without fear or harassment and make sure perpetrators are held accountable.”
    • “I intend to put forward legislation making it explicit that the personal information of top-level election officials is exempt from public records and records requests.”
    • “It will also include penalties for distributing the information of election workers with the intent to intimidate or harass. Currently, there are similar laws on the books for ‘public officials,’ and my legislation will make clear that this includes election workers, too.”
    • “Additionally, there are penalties for intimidation and harassment at polling locations, but individuals have also attempted to harass workers at their homes and places of work.
  • CISCO: “The dangerous, false rhetoric about the 2020 election has translated into real threats of violence against these public servants. Any tools that can protect election workers so they can continue to run fair and transparent elections in our state is absolutely critical.”
  • “The future of our democracy, and our freedom to vote, depend on it.”
