Big Lie = Bigger Problem for Lombardo

Joe Lombardo has been tiptoeing around the Big Lie from day one, but he can’t stay silent forever as Nevada Republicans continue to embrace it in very real (and alarming) ways. This week alone, an election denier was put in charge of Nye County elections, while the Washoe County Republican Party rejected the results of the 2020 election.

Last week, a hearing was scheduled for the election contest litigation filed by Lombardo’s primary opponent, and Republican nominee for Secretary of State Jim Marchant expressed his support for sheriffs investigating elections.

Lombardo has yet to address any of these in his relentless effort to take both sides on the issue. As he hits Day 80 of avoiding campaign interviews with mainstream media, it’s clear Lombardo doesn’t want to share his position with Nevadans.

“Nevada Republicans are making sure the Big Lie isn’t going anywhere but with the clock ticking for him to unify his party, Joe Lombardo refuses to denounce their dangerous actions,” said Nevada Democratic Victory spokesperson Mallory Payne. “Voters deserve to know who Lombardo stands with: Nevadans or election deniers.”
