Big Liar: Review-Journal Exposes Jim Marchant as Failed Businessman

LAS VEGAS REVIEW-JOURNAL: “Marchant … was sued by multiple parties in the early 2000s, resulting in [his] company having to pay millions in settlements..”

In Case You Missed It, self-proclaimed “leader and innovator in computer software” Jim Marchant isn’t who he pretends to be. Today, the Review-Journal described a sad state of affairs in the business history of Marchant, today the Nevada GOP’s candidate for Secretary of State, reporting that Marchant was sued dozens of times for breach of contract.

The contrast couldn’t be clearer between QAnon conspiracist Jim Marchant — a sore loser with a streak for taking swings at democracy and a failed business record — and Cisco Aguilar, an accomplished lawyer and community leader who served as Chair of the Athletic Commission, and owns an actually successful tech company.

Statement from Nevada Democratic Victory Spokesperson Joshua Rush: “The choice for Nevada Secretary of State couldn’t be clearer. Jim Marchant is a failed businessman, a lying politician, and a fraudulent leader, and today’s Review-Journal reporting proves once again that he couldn’t be more unqualified to serve Nevada. People need a Secretary of State they can trust, and that’s Cisco Aguilar.”


  • LIES FROM THE BIG LIAR: “Marchant has painted himself as the ideal choice for secretary of state in part due to his business acumen, although his internet company was sued by multiple parties in the early 2000s, resulting in the company having to pay millions in settlements.”
  • “He also founded ‘one of the first Internet service provider companies in the country’ in 1994, although the website does not specify the name of the company and he did not answer the Review-Journal when asked.”
    • That company, Maxcess Inc., was sued by multiple companies in multiple states for a breach of contract among other allegations, according to court records.
    • Northpoint Limited Partnership No 3 received more than $4 million in damages from Maxcess in 2002 for breach of agreement/contract.
    • In 2001, Qwest Communications Corporation filed a lawsuit against Maxcess for indebtedness and won $833,395.16.
    • In 2003, Global Motor Inns Inc. filed a lawsuit against Maxcess for breach of contract, and a judge ruled in favor of the plaintiff and awarded them $721,188.03.
  • MARCHANT DEFLECTS FROM HIS FAILED RECORD: “Marchant declined requests for an interview, but his campaign spokesperson Rory McShane said in a statement to the Review-Journal that thousands of businesses — including Marchant’s — went out of business when the ‘ bubble burst,’ making no reference to the multiple lawsuits against his company.”
  • BIRDS OF A FEATHER: Marchant’s Campaign Manager “referenced former President Donald Trump calling Marchant a ‘legendary businessman,’”
