Band of Bothers

#NVGov GOP Civil War Plays out in their Base’s Facebook Timeline

This week, the GOP civil war turned into a Facebook war when Joey Gilbert slammed John Lee and Joe Lombardo over not being conservative enough to call themselves real Republicans. Meanwhile, Lee shared his embarrassing and dangerous take on the COVID vaccine and Lombardo continues to fail Clark County as homicides in Las Vegas continue to rise while he tours the state asking for a promotion. All this while a Dean Heller announcement is just around the corner

Battle of Facebook Timeline

After John Lee tried to fundraise off the situation in Afghanistan, Joey Gilbert went on a Facebook tirade, attacking Lee for being a career politician and “moonlighting as a Republican.” While he was on a roll, he also took a swing at Lombardo, who – in Gilbert’s words – is “the swamp” and even worse than Lee.

Calling All Healing Artists

Lee’s embarrassing take on vaccines came to light when he not only revealed that he takes medical advice from healing artists, but also spread misinformation about the COVID vaccine. Let’s not forget this is the same man who contracted COVID after failing to take the vaccine while eligible. 

While he works to undermine the efficacy of vaccines, his own city officials are spearheading efforts to increase vaccinations. 

In Need of a New Sheriff in Town

Lombardo’s own police department released some unflattering new data this week showing that murders are up 70% this year in Las Vegas–compared to 60% a month ago. While Lombardo is busy campaigning for Governor, he’s neglecting his duties as Sheriff and Valley residents are paying the price. If he can’t do his current job, how can he expect to be promoted to Governor?

To make matters worse, in a since-deleted tweet Lombardo was caught trying to politicize the Tamarack fire – as the state is reeling from the Caldor fire and working to evacuate northern Nevada residents.

The GOP Who Cried Voter Fraud

As the Lander County Commission tries to overhaul our election system, the GOP candidates for Governor have refused to oppose their efforts, despite making election fraud a key component of their campaigns.
