At Basque Fry, Lombardo Stands With MAGA GOP Conspiracy Theorists Over Nevadans

Lombardo has yet to denounce the Big Lie or his party’s recent attacks on law enforcement

Today, Joe Lombardo will emerge from hiding and make an appearance at the Basque Fry, standing alongside Republicans who tried to overturn the 2020 election and who have spent the past week attacking the FBI. 

Lombardo has yet to denounce the Big Lie or his party’s dangerous rhetoric—both of which have led to violence against law enforcement—but will peddle conspiracy theories when it’s politically convenient. After promoting himself as the law and order candidate, will he back law enforcement or will he cave to his base and stand with the rest of his ticket?

“Joe Lombardo has spent a year refusing to share his positions with Nevadans, but today he’s proudly standing with politicians who have pushed dangerous, baseless claims of election fraud and who put their party over public safety,” said Nevada Democratic Victory spokesperson Mallory Payne. “Despite trying to have it both ways on every issue, Lombardo has made it clear who he stands with—and it’s not Nevadans.”
