After Attending Private Schools His Entire Life, Laxalt Joins Ted Cruz on Anti-Public Education Crusade  

Corrupt politician Adam Laxalt joined Ted Cruz on Wednesday in an anti-education crusade against funding for Nevada’s public schools. At an event in Las Vegas, Cruz and Laxalt called for programs that would take money away from public schools and reallocate it to private schools, an initiative that the Nevada Supreme Court struck down for being discriminatory and “unconstitutional.” 

As the son and grandson of U.S. Senators, Laxalt attended private schools his entire life, including an elite prep school in Washington, DC. While running for governor, Laxalt fought to cut a measure providing nearly half a billion dollars in funding for Nevada public schools, leading to a public rebuke from former Republican Governor Brian Sandoval. 

Statement from Nevada Democratic Victory Spokesperson Olivia Davis:

“Yet again, corrupt politician Adam Laxalt is fighting for dangerous proposals that would hurt Nevada’s public education system. Laxalt’s elite, private school upbringing in Washington, DC has made him so out of touch with Nevadans that he is working to gut education access for families across the state.” 
