Adam Laxalt “Won’t Commit to Trusting Election Results”

28 days out from Election Day, Adam Laxalt refuses to commit to accepting the 2022 election results. As the “face of” the Big Lie in Nevada, Laxalt has continuously doubled down on his plans to reject the will of voters, “laying detailed groundwork” for lawsuits to contest the election months before a single ballot was cast.

Laxalt was the co-chair of Trump’s 2020 campaign and orchestrated failed lawsuit after failed lawsuit to stop a peaceful transfer of power. He has centered his campaign around his allegiance to Trump and old lies about the 2020 election and employs an insurrectionist as a senior campaign operative.

Read more: 

  • Las Vegas Sun: Several GOP candidates in Nevada won’t commit to trusting election results
    • While Laxalt wouldn’t respond to our questions, his past actions indicate where he stands.
    • He filed numerous lawsuits after the presidential election attempting to stop the counting of ballots in Clark County in a coordinated effort with Trump loyalists in other states. All of the lawsuits were thrown out in Nevada.
    • Cortez Masto said those efforts to overturn the election results helped spur the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection at the U.S. Capitol in which five people died. Rioters hoped to stop the certification of Joe Biden’s presidential election victory.
  • KTVN: Adam Laxalt Candidate Questionnaire 
    • Yes or no: Will you accept the results of this election, whether you win or lose?
    • We look forward to Catherine Cortez-Masto conceding defeat in November
  • Salon: Trump-loving Nevada Republican preparing “voter fraud” challenges — 220 days before election
    • “There’s a lot of groups that have raised a ton of money” to challenge the 2022 election, Laxalt replied. “My job over the next few months is to figure out which is the best group to work with; which is the group that we have the most confidence in. And we need an election integrity plan. We’re putting that together now. Unfortunately, when you’re running for U.S. Senate, it is really, really hard to also be in charge of that kind of effort. And so we need people to step up.” 
    • Laxalt’s campaign did not respond to Salon’s request for comment. 
  • New York Times: A Republican Fights Voter Fraud in His Race (231 Days Before Election Day)
    • But the pledge from Laxalt is yet another indication of how vital the specter of voter fraud remains to the Republican base, an issue deemed so critical that a statewide candidate would be willing to sacrifice one of the most essential campaign tasks to ensure a litigation path was in place, months before any actual voting occurred. 
    • When asked about the comments, Laxalt reiterated his criticisms of the 2020 election, particularly in Clark County, which is home to Las Vegas and the majority of Democratic voters in the state. “Every voter deserves more transparency and to be confident in the accuracy of their election results, and I will proudly fight for them,” Laxalt said in a statement.
  • NBC: A top GOP Senate candidate walks ‘rigged election’ tightrope in Nevada
    • “I do think votes count here. I do think votes count in at least 15 counties,” Laxalt said at the Owl Club in Ely. “Washoe County can be a little squirrelly.” 
    • Laxalt’s campaign didn’t comment on the specifics of his remarks in the rural counties, but he said in a written statement that he singles out Clark County because it was ground zero for election controversies.
  • HuffPost: Nevada GOP Senate Candidate Won’t Commit To Certifying 2024 Election Results
    • Former Nevada Attorney General Adam Laxalt dodged a question about certifying the 2024 results in Reno last week.
    • “I’m not going to answer that kind of hypothetical,” he told a KRNV interviewer during a campaign stop Oct. 1 when asked whether he would overturn the outcome.
    • The Las Vegas Review-Journal reported that Laxalt has refused to say whether Biden was the legitimately elected president.
    • “I know you want to make this entire election about this. We have major issues going on in our country right now,” he said.
  • Las Vegas Review Journal: Adam Laxalt kicks off statewide tour in U.S. Senate campaign 
    • On Friday, Laxalt… declined, when pressed by a reporter, to say whether he thought Biden was legitimately elected.
    • “I know you want to make this entire election about this. We have major issues going on in our country right now,” he said before turning to address another question.
  • KSNV: Laxalt one-on-one: Why he’s running for U.S. Senate
    • HOST: Let me ask you about the election. And the question is not trying to re-litigate the 2020 election. You were the chairman of the Trump campaign, you were very critical after the results in terms of how you felt and a lot of republicans felt that the legitimacy of the election, with the voting. So let me ask you this, let’s say you get to the general, are you going to trust the results of your own election?
    • LAXALT: There’s, the concerns that I brought up about the 2020 election with mail-in balloting, with voter rolls that are not secure, and with a signature verification process that could not guarantee a safe election, those concerns aren’t gone. And the Democrats didn’t take any of our concerns and try to address them with new legislation. They took the exact same election style and they crammed it down our throats. And so we plan on being very vocal about that we need more abilities to ensure that we have a safe and fair election.
