This Week Wrapped: Lombardo Sticks to Lying & Corruption

Every week that goes by, Lombardo makes it even clearer he’s too dangerous and corrupt to lead. This week, Lombardo continued to lie about his abortion position and prove he can’t be trusted. Other reasons he can’t be trusted? His candidacy is being bankrolled by a shady billionaire and he’s still peddling the Big Lie.

Keep reading for this week’s #nvgov highlights.

More Lies on Abortion Stance

It shouldn’t shock us at this point but…it’s shocking how Lombardo can lie about his abortion stance literally every time he’s asked.

Republicans are making good on their promise of a national abortion ban with one being introduced in the Senate this week. Lombardo gave a vague statement, refusing to stand up for Nevadans.

But in true Lombardo fashion, he changed his tune just days later. Here’s the truth: Lombardo supports an even stricter ban than the one proposed federally.

And after he was caught contributing to crisis pregnancy centers through both Metro and his campaign, it’s clear where he stands.

Las Vegas Sun: Editorial: GOP lawmakers deserve Emmys for their performances on abortion

[Lombardo] is clearly cozying up to anti-abortion extremists. A walking cipher, Lombardo runs a bizarre campaign in which he avoids all hard questions and rarely states what he actually believes. But his refusal to speak plainly on the issue is by itself an admission…By sidestepping it, Lombardo tacitly admits he sides with anti-abortion extremists and is afraid to confess it to the voters.

Meanwhile, a Nevada abortion provider slammed Lombardo for his support for overturning Governor Sisolak’s executive order protecting providers and patients from punishment by other states. 

Reno Gazette-Journal: Opinion: Without abortion protections in Nevada, providers’ and patients’ fate left to other states

Striking down this order is nothing short of irresponsible, dangerous, and cruel. It’s unfathomable that anyone in good conscience, much less someone who’s asking Nevadans to put him in the state’s highest office, would think it’s reasonable to open the door to throwing medical providers in jail.

Corruption at its Finest

Since Lombardo has struggled to raise money since day one, he’s relying on a billionaire to back his candidacy – a billionaire who preys on low income renters and evicted families during the pandemic. 

AP: Hotel mogul, UFO believer spending in Nevada governor’s race

Now Bigelow, 78, has become the largest donor this cycle in Nevada’s midterm gubernatorial race, donating $5.7 million through his companies to the campaign for Nevada GOP gubernatorial nominee Joe Lombardo and to political action committees supporting him.

Lombardo is still getting blasted for refusing to denounce the Big Lie – which led to a deadly insurrection – and peppering his campaign with election conspiracies.

Nevada Current: Commentary: Democracy: Use it or lose it

Joe Lombardo, the Republican nominee for governor, has not embraced the Big Lie as enthusiastically as Laxalt. But Lombardo on multiple occasions has suggested that gosh some mysterious something of some sort was wrong with the 2020 election, wink wink nudge nudge. Which is also despicable. And he came out of the box campaigning on “election integrity,” a code phrase on the MAGA right for “too many non-white people are voting.”

Soundbite of the Week

“I want to be considered the education governor.” – Joe Lombardo this week

“In my first term, I promised to be the Education Governor.” – Gov. Sisolak on May 24, 2022
