Nevadans Deserve Lombardo’s Stance on Federal Abortion Ban

Lombardo has tried to have it both ways on Nevada’s existing abortion protections

With Senate Republicans introducing a federal abortion ban today – which would nullify Nevada’s existing protections – it’s more important than ever for Joe Lombardo to finally tell Nevadans where he stands on abortion rights. He’s taken both sides on Nevada statute protecting the right to an abortion for up to 24 weeks, claiming to support current law while also expressing support for overturning it.

Meanwhile, the Republican Governors Association is facilitating conversations about a national abortion ban among governors across the country. With the overwhelming majority of Nevadans supporting the right to choose, they deserve to know where Lombardo stands.

“Lombardo admitted twice he would support overturning Nevada’s abortion protections but he’s trying to muddy the waters on his stance,” said Nevada Democratic Victory spokesperson Mallory Payne. “If there was ever a time for Lombardo to finally start telling the truth, it’s right now as his fellow Republicans work to implement a national abortion ban that would restrict Nevadans’ rights.” 
