Shot/Chaser/Lime: Sheriff Lombardo Struggles to Form Public Safety Agenda 

After a year plus of campaigning on his law enforcement career, Joe Lombardo is finally trying to come up with some public safety plans. A few months ago, he refused to even answer questions about whether he’d raise the salaries of state police. Now, he’s mimicking what Governor Sisolak has already proposed.

Shot: In February, Governor Sisolak promised to propose raising the salary for state police in a second term, implementing it into the budget as it should be done.

Las Vegas Review-Journal: Sisolak said he would propose raises for state police officers, which would be their first significant pay hike since 2006.

Chaser: In July, Lombardo refused to even answer questions about whether he would raise the salary of state police.

Las Vegas Sun: Lombardo declined to answer questions from the Sun about raising salaries for state police, what he would do differently with the federal funding Nevada received, and if he thought he could do anything to lower prices for Nevadans.

Lime: Last week, Lombardo suggested using ARP funds to raise salaries for state police, which would only act as a bonus. Guess Lombardo doesn’t understand that state law prevents ARP funds from being used for bonuses…

“Joe Lombardo has campaigned for over a year without laying out a single plan and now two months before the general election, he’s regurgitating Gov. Sisolak’s priorities,” said Nevada Democratic Victory spokesperson Mallory Payne. “This is just yet another example of Lombardo lacking the experience, knowledge, and leadership to sit in the state’s highest office.”
