The Nevada Independent: Lombardo Donates Thousands of Dollars, Metro Helicopter Ride to Anti-Abortion Groups

Lombardo is using both campaign and government resources to support crisis pregnancy centers

Joe Lombardo has been trying to cover up his anti-choice stances for months but you know what they say: actions speak louder than words. Lombardo has been “quietly supporting” dangerous and misleading crisis pregnancy centers, not only contributing to them from his campaign but also using taxpayer dollars to uplift them through Metro. 

He donated multiple LVMPD helicopter ride-alongs as a silent auction item to a crisis pregnancy center–which was approved by the sheriff’s office–and lists them in a Metro pamphlet of community resources that included zero abortion clinics. As Lombardo relentlessly tries to walk back his support for a contraception ban and overturning Nevada’s existing abortion protections, there’s no hiding from his dangerous anti-choice stances.

Read more about his shady support of anti-choice groups below.

Nevada Independent: Lombardo donates thousands of dollars, Metro helicopter ride to anti-abortion groups

Jannelle Calderon

September 7, 2022

  • While Republican gubernatorial nominee Joe Lombardo has shied away from using abortion as a campaigning message, his campaign expense reports show he has been quietly supporting anti-abortion groups.
  • In the past, Lombardo did not respond to a Nevada Independent questionnaire on abortion sent to major candidates in late May and hasn’t publicly outlined what his beliefs are or what his plan would be, instead using a blanket statement that abortion in Nevada is already protected.
  • Earlier this year, Lombardo’s campaign sponsored an event for Nevada Right To Life, an anti-abortion group, and made a $1,500 payment to the group for special event fees.
  • Lombardo also paid more than $1,400 to Women’s Resource Medical Centers Of Southern Nevada (WRMCSN) related to special events. Lombardo’s campaign also paid another crisis pregnancy center — Living Grace Homes – about $300 for event fees, according to his second quarter report. 
  • In February 2022, a helicopter ride-along on a Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department aircraft was donated to crisis pregnancy center WRMCSN as a silent auction item, which went to a bidder who donated $1,000. According to a Metro spokesperson, all requests and donations of aerial ride-alongs are approved through the sheriff’s office and last up to an hour and a half. The spokesperson was unable to say how often ride-alongs are donated. 
  • In Metro’s “We Care” pamphlet with local community resources, WRMCSN (not by name but as “Crisis Pregnancy Center” with a matching phone number) and Living Grace Homes are listed, but abortion providers or pro-choice groups were not. 
  • Lombardo’s campaign did not respond to The Nevada Independent’s request for comment on the matter. 

Read the full story here
