The Story of a Corrupt, Failed Sheriff

As Joe Lombardo’s record continues to emerge, one thing has remained consistent – his tenure as sheriff has been riddled with corruption and failed leadership. Here are the facts:

Rising Crime

Over the last two years, crime in Clark County has spiked on Joe Lombardo’s watch as he campaigns for a promotion instead of doing his job. Homicides in 2021 rose nearly 50% and are keeping close pace this year. Property crime shot up 10% last year and has jumped another 15% this year. Robberies are up 23% while assaults have increased by 9%.

Campaigning Instead of Going to Work

While families pay the price of rising crime rates, it turns out Lombardo hasn’t been working full-time as sheriff. Per LVMPD’s badge swipe data, he’s only working roughly three days per week as he hits the campaign trail. 

Flouting the Law for Political Gain

When he does show up to work, he’s using a government device to email his campaign consultants, violating Nevada Administrative Code 287.770. This wasn’t his first time flying in the face of the law; he has filled his campaign materials with his badge and uniform, violating NRS 281A.400(7) and prompting an ethics investigation until May 2023.

Taxpayers Footing the Bill for Lombardo’s Lack of Transparency

Lombardo has dragged Metro into expensive litigation – covered by taxpayers – just to keep information from the public. Since Lombardo jumped on the campaign trail, Metro settlements have skyrocketed. From blocking October 1 body cam footage from the press, to refusing to release campaign emails sent from a government device, Lombardo will do anything to keep the public in the dark, no matter the cost.

Putting Politics Over Law Enforcement

He has consistently put politics over public safety, raising questions as to whether or not he should continue holding the nonpartisan office of sheriff. Peddling the Big Lie and standing with election deniers, Lombardo has yet to denounce the conspiracy that led to a violent insurrection and the death of officers. He also never condemned his party’s dangerous rhetoric attacking law enforcement – in fact, he later joined in and claimed the FBI had no reason to search Mar-a-Lago.

Pay to Play

Lombardo has handed out over $18 million in government contracts to his campaign donors. In one instance, a contract was approved the very same day a campaign contribution came through.

Supporting an Alleged Abuser

First, Lombardo allowed alleged abuser Kevin McMahill climb the ranks of Metro and then, he supported him to be his successor as Clark County sheriff. Even as the victim and a witness spoke out, Lombardo doubled down on his support.

Decentralization Flop

After being elected sheriff in 2014, Lombardo immediately moved to decentralize Metro. It was a failure, leading to a spike in crime across the valley. Even his own officers disapprove of how it was handled and point to it as a clear example of Lombardo’s poor leadership.

An Off-the-Books Immigration Policy

After Lombardo ended Metro’s partnership with ICE and told the public they were only after immigrants who commit violent crimes, it was later revealed he was lying the entire time. Not only did he continue working with ICE, but he also was caught turning over immigrants jailed for nonviolent crimes.

Vice Unit Investigated by FBI

Under Lombardo’s leadership, Metro’s vice unit was investigated by the FBI for corruption. When a judge went public about her concerns with the vice unit, Lombardo met with the Chief Judge behind closed doors in an attempt to cover up Metro’s misconduct instead of following Nevada law by filing an affidavit.
