Lombardo Skipping Work to Campaign Amid Soaring Crime Rates

Nevada Current: “Badge swipes reveal absence from Metro about a third of the time”

While crime skyrockets in Clark County, Sheriff Lombardo isn’t showing up to work as he travels the state asking for a promotion (but he is still collecting his taxpayer-funded paycheck). Since Lombardo has been on the campaign trail, homicides jumped a staggering 49% in 2021 and property crime has shot up 15% this year.

We knew he’d do or say anything to win, but putting families at risk for political gain? That’s a new low, even for Lombardo.

Read more about Lombardo’s absence from LVMPD below.

Nevada Current: Lombardo juggles job, campaign for governor

Dana Gentry

August 30, 2022

  • “I sure hope the people of Clark County know how hard I’m working,” Las Vegas Metro Sheriff and Republican gubernatorial hopeful Joe Lombardo recently told the Current. But a review of data from LVMPD indicates Lombardo is showing up at the office roughly three times a week as he campaigns for the state’s top job. 
  • Lombardo has not responded to questions about his time off. His campaign referred questions to Metro, which did not respond. The Current has no evidence the sheriff was on the clock as he campaigned. 
  • He insisted he’s capable of juggling his full time job as sheriff with the equally, if not more intense demands of campaigning for the state’s top spot.
  • Crime has increased year-to-date through July by 3% over last year in Metro’s jurisdiction, led by a 15% increase in property crime. Robberies are up 27% year-to-date.
  • “This reemphasizes why he (Lombardo) should resign now and focus on his political campaign if that’s the reason for the absence, and leave the department in the hands of those who are working full time,” Hasseebullah said.  

Read the full story here
