Reno Gazette-Journal: Opinion: Lombardo Doesn’t Stand For Nevadans

Over the weekend at Adam Laxalt’s Basque Fry, Joe Lombardo cozied up to national and Nevada Republicans who have constantly turned their backs on law enforcement–from pushing the Big Lie which incited violence and led to the death of officers, to attacking the FBI and even calling for them to be defunded and disbanded. 

Lombardo has yet to denounce these dangerous conspiracies, nor has he given Nevadans any indication of where he stands on any issue. Lombardo says he’s the “law and order” candidate, but his actions show otherwise as he once again puts political gain above all else.

Read more about Lombardo’s craven campaign below.

Reno Gazette-Journal: Opinion: Lombardo Doesn’t Stand For Nevadans

Sarah Mahler

August 15, 2022

  • Lombardo stood with these politicians, but he still hasn’t told us what he stands for. He embraces his party when it’s politically convenient but won’t tell Nevadans any of his positions, toeing the line on every issue in a craven attempt to take both sides — and he’s hoping Nevadans won’t notice.
  • Lombardo has pushed election fraud claims without actually taking a position on the conspiracy theory that led to a violent insurrection and the death of multiple officers. He’s yet to denounce this horrific stain on our democracy. As Clark County’s highest law enforcement official, you’d think he would denounce anything that incites violence and leads to loss of life.
  • Last week, we saw Lombardo once again refuse to condemn his party for their dangerous rhetoric following the FBI raid of Mar-a-Lago. A Basque Fry speaker who’s well-known in conservative circles is even making calls to defund the FBI. But Lombardo hasn’t said a word while his fellow Republican candidates are attacking law enforcement for enforcing the rule of law.
  • Over and over, Lombardo won’t tell Nevadans if he stands with his party or with law enforcement. Bottom line: Lombardo will do or say anything for political gain.
  • He won’t tell us what he stands for, but he is absolutely showing us. And it’s clear Lombardo doesn’t stand with, or for, Nevadans.

Read the full op-ed here
