Joe Lombardo “Proudly Endorsed” By Pro-Slavery Republican

Joe Lombardo–as out of touch as ever–is touting the endorsement of Assemblyman Jim Wheeler, who made headlines after affirming that he would vote “yes” on slavery if his constituents wanted him to. Wheeler is also famously known for:

With Washoe County Republicans voting to reject the 2020 election results and Lombardo being endorsed by a group that wants to repeal the ACA and overturn voter-affirmed protections for abortion, these issues aren’t going away and Joe Lombardo has yet to share his positions with Nevadans.

“Joe Lombardo won’t tell Nevadans where he stands on the issues, but he proudly stands with Jim Wheeler,” said Nevada Democratic Victory spokesperson Mallory Payne. “Nevadans deserve better than someone who will do or say anything to get ahead–even joining forces with a relentless election denier who’s said he’d vote to bring back slavery.”
