78 Days of Hiding, 98 Days To Go

Lombardo is trying to run out the clock to hide his out of touch stances

Today marks Day 78 of Joe Lombardo dodging interviews with mainstream media and it couldn’t be more clear why. With less than 100 days to go, Lombardo has left too many questions unanswered as his handlers are hoping to hide his out of touch stances. Here are just a few issues he’s been anything but clear on…

Abortion: If elected, will Lombardo uphold or reverse Gov. Sisolak’s executive order protecting providers and out of state patients? After being endorsed by National Right to Life, will Lombardo finally come clean and share if he plans to limit or expand access to abortion?

The Big Lie: Does Lombardo agree with his ticket that sheriffs should investigate elections? After standing on stage as Trump called the 2020 election fraudulent, will Lombardo once and for all denounce the Big Lie? Will Lombardo denounce Washoe Republicans’ rejection of the 2020 election results?

Affordable housing: Other than opposing the Governor’s $500 million investment into affordable housing…any plans of his own? 

Health care: If Lombardo thinks expanding access to 350,000 thousand Nevadans is “bullshit,” how will he expand access to affordable care? Does he stand with National Right to Life’s support for repealing the ACA?

“Joe Lombardo has less than 100 days to tell Nevadans where he stands on the issues they care about but if he keeps up his record of dodging questions, voters will never get the answers they deserve,” said Nevada Democratic Victory spokesperson Mallory Payne. “Lombardo’s silence speaks volumes–he clearly has no plans and no vision for Nevada.”
