Laxalt Headed Home to Fundraise in Washington, DC

DC fundraisers follow Laxalt’s dismal Q2 fundraising numbers

Corrupt politician Adam Laxalt is headed home to Washington, DC this week to raise campaign cash with his lobbyist friends over not one, not two, but three fundraisers. Over the course of several days, Laxalt will schmooze with his elite buddies in hopes of raising money to offset his poor Q2 fundraising results and fuel his bid for Senate. 

The son and grandson of U.S. Senators, Laxalt grew up attending the fanciest schools in Washington, DC, so it’s no surprise to see him making the fundraising rounds on his home turf once again. He has made nearly $3 million over the past few years working for a longtime lobbyist at the Washington, DC firm Cooper and Kirk, which represents Big Oil corporations like Chevron and Shell. 

Statement from Nevada Democratic Victory Spokesperson Olivia Davis:

“Laxalt can schmooze in Washington, DC all he wants, but Nevadans rejected him the last time he ran because he’s out for himself, and they’ll reject him again in November.”
