Las Vegas Sun: Editorial: Clark County sheriff bows to con man who blasts his record on crime

After being snubbed by his own party over and over again, Joe Lombardo will go to any lengths to win over the Republican base, cozying up last week to Trump and his billionaire friends. But his desperate efforts to unify the party came at a high cost as Trump brutally slammed Lombardo’s failed record on stage. YIKES.

Read more about Lombardo’s corrupt, failed record below.

Las Vegas Sun: Editorial: Clark County sheriff bows to con man who blasts his record on crime

July 14, 2022

  • Clark County Sheriff and Republican gubernatorial candidate Joe Lombardo, who debased himself to get Trump’s endorsement, was glowing as he appeared on stage with a coup-curious — and likely felonious — ex-president. Yes, there he was, Clark County’s chief law enforcement officer looking up with admiration at an ex-president who dispatched a mob to kill law enforcement officers at the Capitol.
  • Trump told the audience that Nevada — and especially Las Vegas — has become “a cesspool of crime” recently, “filled with the blood of innocent victims.”
  • Setting aside the irony of a man credibly accused of so different crimes over the course of so many decades now trying to feign interest in stopping crime, Trump’s words were far from an endorsement of Lombardo’s leadership.
  • Yet here was Trump, calling out what is plainly visible — that crime, especially property crime, has been a real problem under Lombardo’s tenure.
  • Adding insult to injury was the fact that Lombardo was there rubbing elbows with political insiders and wealthy donors rather than doing his taxpayer-funded job of trying to… fight crime.
  • Forget that there was a murder the night before just two miles away from where Lombardo was standing Friday. Or that in the week leading up to the event, there had been multiple homicides, attempted homicides, and hit and runs; a religious hate crime; the sixth officer-involved shooting of 2022; and a rapidly rising property crime rate. Surely, there were more pressing matters for Lombardo to attend to than a private, invitation-only political fundraiser?
  • But Lombardo doesn’t believe that being present at the job he’s being paid by taxpayers to do is important. He said as much in his prepared statements, arguing that being away from the job for a few days to campaign doesn’t have a significant impact on crime.
  • His argument would be more convincing if Metro’s own data didn’t contradict him and show a nearly 3% increase in crime, including a 30% increase in robberies and 20% increase in home burglaries, compared with the same time last year — which was when Lombardo began campaigning.
  • Lombardo should feel ashamed of himself for sharing a stage with a conspiratorial con man like Trump, especially at an event billed as anti-crime. He should feel ashamed for blaming his failures on his political adversaries rather than accepting the same accountability for his actions as he has said criminals must accept.
  • He should feel shame for all those things and more. But he clearly doesn’t. He’s too busy groveling for endorsements. Too busy attending private, invitation-only performances on fighting crime for a room of scoundrels and cheats. Too busy using his badge as a prop in his campaign for corrupt personal power.

Read the full column here
