Marchant’s Promise: Undermine, Defraud, Overturn the 2020 Election

In a newly-unearthed video, the NVGOP’s nominee for Secretary of State lays out his plan to send false electors to D.C. and undermine the 2020 election.

New video (~3:40) first recorded by far-right network Right Side Broadcasting Network (RSBN) shows Nevada GOP Secretary of State nominee Jim Marchant saying the quiet part out loud, promising to send false electors to attempt to overturn the 2020 election to do the bidding of President Donald Trump — “whatever” bidding that may have meant. Only days after the video was recorded, President Trump incited a violent insurrection aimed at overturning the election; a last ditch effort by a sore loser looking to cling to power.

From the video: (timestamp 3:40)

“Well, we believe President Trump won Nevada. And we’re going to be prepared, just in case, [for] once this works its way through the courts, or whatever other remedies President Trump and his team come up with. We’re going to have our electors present on January 6th for Vice President Pence.” — Jim Marchant

Dangerous, far-right zealots like Marchant aren’t just the fringe of the Nevada GOP, though. They go all the way to the top. Recently, it was confirmed that NVGOP Chair Michael McDonald had his phone seized as part of an ongoing investigation by the FBI into false elector paperwork sent to the National Archives to attempt to confuse and muddle the process of confirming Joe Biden’s election to the presidency.

Statement from NDV Spokesperson Joshua Rush:

“It shouldn’t be surprising — as the January 6th Committee continues to show the evidence of Donald Trump and his cronies attempting to overturn our free and fair 2020 election, the Nevada Republicans’ own Jim Marchant is once again proving his allegiance to party over country by sending false electors to Washington. Perhaps even more shocking than his attacks on our nation’s democratic governance, though, is his open admissions to it, proving that he expected to get away with it.”
