100 Days, 100 Reasons to Defeat the Too Extreme GOP

With only 100 days left until the 2022 election, Nevada Democrats are gearing up to defend bodily autonomy, protect against the GOP’s plans to sunset Social Security and Medicare, and so much more.

Oh the reasons you’ll go…to the ballot box this November! We know there are thousands of reasons to defeat Adam Laxalt, Joe Lombardo, Jim Marchant, Sigal Chattah, and the other dangerous Republicans running for Nevada offices this November, but we wanted to make sure voters knew every single reason Nevada Democrats are fighting for them — unlike the NVGOP.

In partnership with Democrats nationwide embarking on press tours to discuss the Too Extreme GOP, Nevada Democratic Victory will host events Tuesday and Thursday to stress the importance of electing and protecting our Democratic candidates, who are on the side of everyday Nevadans, and defeating the far-right Nevada GOP.

But for now, here’s 100 Reasons to Defeat the Too Extreme GOP:

  1. Democrats are protecting the right to choose.
  2. Democrats didn’t incite the January 6th insurrection.
  3. Democrats are on the side of protecting election security.
  4. Democrats aren’t challenging the validity of the free and fair 2020 election.
  5. Democrats are on the side of protecting the climate.
  6. Republicans are in the pocket of corporations, not families.
  7. Republicans have opposed efforts to lower the costs of prescription drugs.
  8. Democrats voted to stop gas price gouging.
  9. Democrats voted to cap the price of insulin at $35.
  10. Democrats are committed to protecting Medicare.
  11. Republicans plan to sunset Medicare after 5 years, according to Sen. Rick Scott’s plan.
  12. Republicans plan to sunset Social Security after 5 years, according to Sen. Rick Scott’s plan.
  13. Democrats created Social Security.
  14. Democrats have protected Social Security benefits.
  15. Democrats will continue to protect Social Security benefits.
  16. Republicans want to raise taxes on middle class families by an average of $1,500 per year, according to Rick Scott’s tax plan.
  17. Republicans want to take $100 billion out of the hands of middle-class families, according to Rick Scott’s tax plan.
  18. Democrats are fighting to raise the minimum wage.
  19. Democrats brought gas prices down.
  20. Democrats backed the Lower Food & Fuel Costs Act.
  21. Despite the worst pandemic in a century, Nevada officially surpassed its all-time employment high by 3,000 jobs, far outpacing job growth in the years following the Great Recession.
  22. Democrats are treating climate change like the emergency it is, working to raise Lake Mead’s water levels and protect Nevadans from new climate-related risks.
  23. Adam Laxalt hired an insurrectionist as his campaign spokesperson.
  24.  Republicans cast themselves as tough on law and order while embracing Trump’s effort to persuade millions to give up on democracy.
  25. Adam Laxalt suggested voting in urban areas is suspect, while claiming it’s legitimate in GOP areas.
  26. Democrats are on the side of protecting marriage equality.
  27. Democrats voted to protect marriage equality.
  28. Republicans voted against marriage equality.
  29. Republicans will pass a national abortion ban if elected to the majority.
  30. Democrats are protecting the rule of law.
  31. Governor Sisolak hasn’t raised a penny in taxes on everyday Nevadans. The last time Republicans had single party rule in Nevada, they passed the largest tax increase in state history
  32. Under Democratic leadership, Nevada has the fastest employment growth in the nation.
  33. Democrats will protect the progress our country has made.
  34. Democrats will protect the freedom to vote.
  35. Democrats are on the side of workers and organized labor.
  36. Democrats are on the side of protecting democracy.
  37. Gov. Sisolak is making historic investments in affordable housing ($500 Million).
  38. Gov. Sisolak is making historic investments in affordable childcare ($360 Million).
  39. Gov. Sisolak joined the Northwest Prescription Drug Consortium to negotiate directly with prescription drug companies and lower drug costs by up to 80%.
  40. Gov. Sisolak is providing nearly 4,000 future educators with stipends and tuition assistance to address the teacher shortage.
  41. Gov. Sisolak is providing free lunch to every Nevada public school student in the 2022-2023 school year.
  42. Gov. Sisolak allocated $5 million to explore ways the state can make community college and other job training programs to more Nevadans free by 2025.
  43. Democrats secured $500 million for high-speed broadband access in Nevada.
  44. Democrats benefited 382,000 Nevada families, with a total of 631,000 children, through the Child Tax Credit.
  45. Democrats benefited 168,000 Nevada workers through the expanded Earned Income Tax Credit.
  46. Democrats are the party of freedom.
  47. Democrats are the party that listens to science.
  48. Democrats are the party that listens to experts.
  49. Democrats are fighting to protect individual freedoms.
  50. Democrats are fighting to save lives.
  51. Republicans voted against contraception access.
  52. Republicans voted against protecting doctors’ ability to prescribe contraception.
  53. Democrats are protecting the freedom to cross state lines to seek access to healthcare.
  54. Joe Lombardo has failed to enforce life-saving gun laws.
  55. Joe Lombardo has admitted to using his public office for political gain.
  56. Jim Marchant spoke publicly about sending false electors to the Capitol on January 6th.
  57. Democrats are protecting DACA.
  58. Republicans want to punish DREAMers.
  59. Democrats fought Trump’s family separation policy at the border.
  60. Democrats are fighting to lower health insurance premiums.
  61. Democrats created the Affordable Care Act.
  62. Democrats are protecting the Affordable Care Act.
  63. Democrats are fighting for common-sense gun safety legislation.
  64. Gov. Sisolak gave teachers their first raise in over a decade.
  65. Gov. Sisolak has donated every penny of his state salary back to public schools.
  66. Gov. Sisolak made sure every online student was connected to the internet during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  67. Democrats are taking on hedge funds and out-of-state corporations buying property and hiking up rent prices in Nevada.
  68. Gov. Sisolak joined the US Climate Alliance after Donald Trump withdrew from the Paris Climate Accords.
  69. Gov. Sisolak is investing in protecting Nevadans from extreme heat.
  70. Gov. Sisolak ended surprise billing in Nevada hospitals.
  71. Gov. Sisolak created a Patient Protection Commission to protect Nevadans’ wallets and care.
  72. Sen. Cortez Masto has led efforts to hold Big Oil accountable for high gas prices. 
  73. Sen. Cortez Masto secured historic funding to fight wildfires and drought.
  74. Joe Lombardo has gone over 2 months without an interview allowing Nevada’s mainstream media to cross-examine his record.
  75. Democrats are fighting to protect the LGBTQ+ community.
  76. Democrats saved lives through careful leadership in the pandemic.
  77. Republicans nominated a QAnon-aligned Secretary of State nominee.
  78. Jim Marchant was endorsed by Steve Bannon.
  79. Sigal Chattah said that AG Aaron Ford should be “hanging from a f*cking crane.”
  80. Attorney General Aaron Ford has been on the front lines of protecting our election system from Trump and his cronies, who have sought to undermine it.
  81. Democrats are on the side of the people, not special interest groups.
  82. Republicans are counting on their candidates to win, so that they can further their Big Lie.
  83. Democrats are on the side of a strong and fair economy.
  84. Democrats are on the side of making the criminal justice system more equitable.
  85. Democrats are on the side of protecting our education system.
  86. Democrats are on the side of clean energy.
  87. Democrats are fighting to make sure everyone has access to education.
  88. Democrats are fighting to honor the legacy of activists who have fought to make our nation a better place.
  89. Democrats believe in healthcare for our veterans.
  90. Democrats are fighting to protect native rights.
  91. Democrats are protecting the Indian Child Welfare Act.
  92. Democrats are promoting indigenous tribal economies.
  93. Democrats are fighting for infrastructure improvements across the nation, and have secured millions for infrastructure.
  94. Democrats are fighting crimes against children and marginalized communities.
  95. Democrats are working to end cycles of poverty.
  96. Democrats are raising up the working-class and protecting their ability to achieve their own American Dream.
  97. Democrats are the party of Nevadans’ futures.
  98. Democrats are the party of the American people.
  99. Democrats back our democracy.
  100. Democrats are on your side.
